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Creator Spotlight: Carly Jean Puch

Carly Jean Puch and the “Consciously Clueless” Podcast


Carly Jean Puch hosts "Consciously Clueless," a podcast guiding listeners on healthier living for personal and planetary benefit. Starting amidst personal struggles, Carly has grown her show alongside her coaching business, emphasizing the power of learning and connection.

Introducing Carly Jean Puch and the “Consciously Clueless” Podcast

Carly Jean Puch is the host of Consciously Clueless, a podcast that teaches you how to live a healthier lifestyle that makes you and the planet happier.

You can check out “Consciously Clueless” here: https://consciouslyclueless.buzzsprout.com/share

Tell us about your show!

Consciously Clueless teaches you how to live a healthier lifestyle that makes you and the planet happier. Let’s dive into how to live a healthier life, live more sustainably, and, take your everyday actions and make them work for you and the planet. Sometimes it might feel like you've got this figured out and other times, you probably feel lost. That's why I'm here. Together, we can learn how to live happier, healthier lives without the need to be perfect and always allow space for a little cluelessness on this journey to living a more conscious life.

Why did you start your podcast?

During the pandemic, I was depressed, heartbroken, and looking to start living life my way. That included jumping into my own business and creating a podcast seemed like an excellent way to grow.

What's been your biggest challenge?

I think marketing to new listeners and having less tools to do more things.

How has podcasting impacted your personal and professional life?

Podcasting is a perfect tool to grow my coaching services as it's all related to what I offer. I started by googling "how do I start a podcast" and now it's been almost 3 years in and 200 episodes! I learned that I can do anything, truly. And that connection over learning is so powerful, it is what keeps me going!

What advice do you have new podcasters?

You will never be 100% ready, just start. Give yourself grace and have fun.

Anything else you'd like to share with world?

I'm publishing my first book this year!

How has Podium improved your workflow?

It's saved so much time so I can focus on creating!

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