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Creator Spotlight: Stephen Capello

Stephen Cappello and Games From the Cellar


Stephen is the host and producer of Games from the Cellar, which is a podcast that features board games and conversations surrounding them. Stephen’s favorite game is Race for the Galaxy, but is he the best at it?

Introducing Stephen Cappello and Games From the Cellar

Stephen is the host and producer of Games from the Cellar, which is a podcast that features board games and conversations surrounding them. Stephen’s favorite game is Race for the Galaxy, but is he the best at it?

Check out Games from the Cellar here: https://gamesfromthecellar.com

Tell us about your show!

Games from the Cellar is a podcast about board games featuring authentic board game conversations. The core panel for Games from the Cellar has been gaming together since 2009. In that time, we've played hundreds of games. We are nowhere close to qualified to talk about games, yet here we are.

Why did you start your podcast?

We've been kicking around the idea of doing a board gaming podcast for years. But the board game niche is pretty saturated so we needed to find our niche within the niche. It wasn't until sometime mid-last year that we played a game on our regular game night and then sat at the table afterwards and discussed it with each other for a couple hours after. Often times this was the case, we'd spend more time chatting about the game than we did playing it. That was when we found our niche within the niche.

What's been your biggest challenge?

Finding the time to consistently create content. Everyone on the panel has a career and a family. Then there are all of the ancillary things necessary to edit, produce, & publish the show.

How has podcasting impacted your personal and professional life?

Podcasting has deepened our appreciation for the games that we play, and the friends that we play them with.

What advice do you have new podcasters?

Just start. Do it for you. You'll iron out all the kinks along the way.

Anything else you'd like to share with world?

Our show has seven total regular panelists. The most we've had on one show was five!

How has Podium improved your workflow?

Podium is one of the best tools in our arsenal. Writing shownotes was such a daunting task that I didn't even attempt to write them. Podium provides us with shownotes are are 99% ready to go, and writes amazing summaries. Podium also provides excellent suggestions for show titles, social posts, and keywords.

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